Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Huggleboo discovers a beautiful butterfly, and calls him Wing. Show more
Tha toll ann an tè dha na bòtannan aig Bing ach chan eil e airson an caitheamh air falbh. There’s a hole in one of Bing’s yellow wellies but he is very reluctant to throw them away Show more
Tha Linda NicLeòid agus a caraidean a’ dèanamh bonnaich-èisg bhlasta. Linda and her friends make tasty fishcakes. Show more
The Abadas are adding up - the word of the day is something that might be able to help. Ela goes in search of a calculator today. Show more
Tha Pip is Posy làn plòigh, a’ feuchainn ri feagal a chur air a chèile. Pip and Posy are full of fun, trying to frighten each other. Show more
Michael Hill reads An t-Ailbhean Croiseil, written by David Walliams, illustrated by Tony Ross and translated into Gaelic by Jo Macdonald. Show more
Tha Po dha-rìribh glacte eadar mhath 's olc. Po lets his 'evil personality' escape from a magic mirror – leaving two Pos running amok. Show more
Tha Là Blàth-chnuimh a’ gabhail àit’ an-diugh ’s tha Bonns na glutaire. It’s Grubloom Day today and Bonns is a glutton. Show more
Tha urram ga bhuileachadh air Tintin ach chan eil cùisean cho rèidh sa dh' iarradh e. An official honour is given to Tintin but things aren't as smooth as he had hoped for. Show more
Dileas (Working Dogs)
Episode 3: Coin Rannsachaidh (Fire and Search and Rescue Dogs)
30 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Available for years
The dedication of Scotland's fire and search and rescue dogs. Featuring Scotland's only 'accelerant detector dogs'. Show more
Miriam Donaghey from the Isle of Lewis is Joy’s guest in the studio, and Calum Maclean is in a park in Edinburgh as he tests out an activity he’s never heard of or tried before! Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
A’ leantainn croitear òg na dhàrna bliadhna mar croitear làn ùine. Following young farmer 'Sweeny' in his second year as a full-time crofter. Show more
After a rare World War II seaplane becomes stranded on Loch Ness, the race is on to repair the aircraft and return it safely to the air. Show more
Tha Calum a’ siubhal suas Gleann Lìomhann air rothair airson dealbh a thogail. Calum takes a bike trip up Glen Lyon to track down an ancient subject for his photo. Show more
Sketch show featuring a collection of comic characters, spoofs, unrequited love and comedy horror. Show more
The mermaid takes in the Atlantic waters of St Kilda and hopes to encounter sea creatures. Show more
Màiri and Alasdair move to the island, though Alasdair must say goodbye to a mystery woman. Màiri settles in, but Alasdair struggles to free himself from the mystery woman. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.