Tha Po a cuir an truaighe air Tìgreas. Po is testing Tìgreas' patience on a mission. Show more
Tha Po a' coinneachadh ri 'caraid' ùr, fear a tha air misean cur às de Laoch an Dràgoin. Po makes a new friend, only to realise that his new 'pal' wants to kill the Dragon Warrior. Show more
Tha Po ag ionnsachadh alt kung fu ùr a tha fàgail a charaidean gun bheachd cò iad. Po learns a new kung fu technique that leaves his friends with no idea who they are. Show more
When Tìgreas falls ill, Po and Muncaidh embark on a dangerous mission to find a cure. Show more
Tha Po a coimhead son cuideachadh mus faic Shifu an sgrios a rinn e san t-seòmar-trèanaidh. Having accidentally wrecked the training room, Po seeks help to hide the chaos from Shifu. Show more
Tha Po dol cuide ri Mantis gu dhachaigh – ged nach eil cùisean buileach mar bhiodh e dùil. Po accompanies Mantis to his hometown, but things aren't quite as he expected. Show more
Tha Po ag ionnsachadh g' eil fìor chumhachd gu tric ag atharrachadh dol-a-mach duine. Po learns that to have great power can often change a person - and not for the better. Show more
Tha Po a briseadh riaghailt a tha ag adhbharachadh buaireadh uabhasach do Shifu. Po disobeys Shifu and inadvertently causes the palace to fall into disarray. Show more
Tha Shifu airson 's gum bi Po nas ùmhal, ach tha am plòigh a tha e gabhail a dol ceàrr. Shifu wants Po to become more humble in his duties, but his strategy soon backfires. Show more
Tha Po air tòir trophaidh sònraichte. Po has to add a trophy to the Hall of Heroes collection but can't find anything suitable. Show more
Po goes on an undercover mission at the prison, disguised as the criminal mastermind Sheng. Show more
Tha dleastanas car annasach a laigh' air Po. Po assumes a rather unusual responsibility. Show more
Mr Ping proves to be a somewhat problematic guest when he moves into the Jade Palace. Show more
Tha an taibhs' aig Oogway a tilleadh dhan Lùchairt, 's trioblaid gu leòr tighinn na chois. The ghost of Oogway returns to the Jade Palace, bringing much mayhem with him. Show more
Tha bràmar ùr aig Mgr Ping ach tha Po tro chèile nuair a thuigeas e cò th' innte. Mr Ping has found himself a new girlfriend. However, Po is not enamoured when he meets her. Show more
Tha athair Shifu air cheilidh ach chan e seo an tachartas toilichte ris an robh Po an dùil. A visit from Shifu's father is not the happy get-together that Po was hoping for. Show more
Tha Po a' dèanamh càirdeas ri dannsairean - nach eil cho bàitheil 's a bha e an dùil. Po befriends a dance troupe who aren't as friendly or innocent as he first thought. Show more
Tha neach-trèanaidh ùr aig an Lùchairt. A talented youngster emerges and Po soon resents the attention bestowed on the new recruit. Show more
Tha Po dha-rìribh glacte eadar mhath 's olc. Po lets his 'evil personality' escape from a magic mirror – leaving two Pos running amok. Show more
Tha Po ag ionnsachadh g'eil luchd-leantainn aige - 's e son 's gun drùidh a thàlantan orra. Po learns that he has a fan club and so sets out to impress them with his 'talents'. Show more