Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha MacÌomhair air rùn dìomhair innse do dh' AH-AH ach saoil an cùm AH-AH e aige fhèin? MacÌomhair has told a secret to AH-AH but will AH-AH keep things to himself? Show more
Linda visits her friends Meaban and Moo with a challenge. Today they must find stars. Show more
Huggleboo’s mommy is painting the baby room yellow and blue. These colours are not Huggleboo’s favourite, fortunately she has a wonderful solution. Show more
Spòrs is plòidh son clann fo aois sgoile! Deiseil son beagan leum is danns le Amanda? Gaelic children's programme. Dancing fun for preschool children.
Tha mac-lathaich ag innse dhuinn mu dheidhinn a caitheamh-beatha. An angler fish tells us all about herself and her lifestyle. Show more
Tha Mario cur eagal air pònaidhean, a tha a stampadh tro ghàrradh pheapagan Mhagaidh. Mario scares some ponies, who then trample through Magaidh's butternut squash patch.
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Catriona NicFhionghuin a’ leughadh Iongantas Handa.
Catriona Mackinnon reads Iongantas Handa. Show more
Tha Pòl agus Mial-mogach a’ cluich san t-sitig is iad a’ sìor fhàs salach. Dave and Fuzzypeg the dog get dirty playing at the local dump. Show more
Tha na mèirlich air Proifeasair Calcalas a thoirt am bruid, ach cha ghèill Tintin 's Adag. The thieves capture Professor Calcalas, but Tintin and Adag won't stop until he is found. Show more
Tha tòrr ghluasadan aig Olaidh Orains agus Màiri Bhàn ‘s iad a’ spèileadh. Olaidh Orains and Mairi Bhàn have lots of dance moves as they ice skate. Show more
Tha coltas cùbhraidh agus ceòlmhor air an-seo! This looks fragrant and melodious!
When a new boy arrives on the island, Della, Lou and Marco are quick to work out that he’s a nasty piece of work. Show more
Clann a' Chogaidh Mhoir/Small Hands in a Big War
Episode 3: An Cràdh/The Pain
25 minutes on BBC ALBA HD
Available for years
Drama series telling the story of WWI as seen through the eyes of children. In this episode, a 12-year-old German girl helps her sister at a hospital. Show more
Ross Christie talks about a poem by little-known Argyll poet Katharine Whyte Grant. Ross Christie le iomradh air dàn le Catriona NicIlleBhàin Ghrannd à Earra-Ghàidheal Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
SWNT play the Republic of Ireland in the final play-off game ahead of the 2023 World Cup. Show more
Tha Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain a’ sas ann am proiseactan-ciùil còmhla ri fogarraich agus luchd-siridh comraich. A singer's work with refugees and asylum seekers on musical projects. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
Spiritual music and song with a Celtic flavour featuring some of Scotland's best known Gaelic artists. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.