Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Kit and Pup investigate the world of opposites - today it’s up and down. Show more
Brush invites Hare, Fox, Owl and Tusk for a fancy game of croquet. Jack shows up uninvited and wants to play, too. Show more
Tha sinn a’ cluinntinn mu dhèidhinn na dòighean-beatha aig creachannan-mòra an diugh. We meet a giant clam today who tells us all about her species and their way of life. Show more
Tha e na bhriseadh-dùil do Shane nach eil Izzy airson a bhith na còcaire. Shane is disappointed that Izzy has decided that she doesn't want to be a chef.
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Linda asks Meaban and Moo to find three rectangular items. Their hut is full of junk so the pair need to have a good rummage in order to find them! Show more
Tha na muncaidhean a’ fàs gu math mì-mhodhail. The monkeys are becoming very cheeky. Show more
Raibeart MacDhonnchaidh a’ leughadh An Fhìrinn mu Sheann Daoine. Robert Robertson reads An Fhìrinn mu Sheann Daoine. Show more
Penfold causes the sun to go down prematurely, which a mysterious new villain plots to take advantage of! Show more
Tha urram ga bhuileachadh air Tintin ach chan eil cùisean cho rèidh sa dh' iarradh e. An official honour is given to Tintin but things aren't as smooth as he had hoped for. Show more
Tha am pathadh air na balaich an-diugh! The boys are thirsty today!
Charlie and Matilda manage to get into the cinema to watch a PG-13 film. Show more
Fraoch Nic an Deòir a' dèanamh dealbh dubh is geal dhen fhear-ciùil Pàdruig Moireasdan. Heather Dewar draws a charcoal portrait of musician Pàdruig Morrison. Show more
The story of two children from Hertfordshire who ran away to their grandparents' Hebridean home in the summer of 1949. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Sweeny reflects on the past year, discussing the impact of the pandemic on his life as a crofter in North Lewis. Show more
First of a two-part documentary following an annual expedition to the small island of Sùlaisgeir to hunt for guga, young gannets that can be eaten as a delicacy. Show more
Tha Ceitidh dòchasach airson a’ chiad turas agus tha Màiri a’ tighinn gu co-dhùnadh. Ceitidh is hopeful for the first time and Màiri comes to a decision. Show more
In the 1960s, Afghanistan was divided between a westernised elite and a traditional, largely poor majority. A communist revolution shook up this order. Show more
Series in which Calum Maclean shares his passion for swimming in remote, cold rivers and lochs. In the first episode, Calum is swimming in the River Douchary. Show more
Featuring music from McKerron Brechin Ó HEadhra, Iona Fyfe, Chloe Bryce and The Canny Band. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.