Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Huggleboo discovers little seeds in an apple. From each seed a plant can grow, and each plant can turn into a tree! Show more
Linda asks Meaban and Moo to find three rectangular items. Their hut is full of junk so the pair need to have a good rummage in order to find them! Show more
Tha Rita agus Crogall a’ gabhail cuairt anns a choille agus tha iad a’ trusadh tòrr gheanm-chnòthan. Rita and Crocodile walk in the forest to collect as many conkers as they can. Show more
Tha e na bhriseadh-dùil do Shane nach eil Izzy airson a bhith na còcaire. Shane is disappointed that Izzy has decided that she doesn't want to be a chef.
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An-diugh, tha sinn a’ cluinntinn bho òr-iasg is gu h-àraidh mu chaitheamh-beatha. We hear from a goldfish today and especially about his way of life. Show more
Tha Bing 's Pando a' farpais ach cò a chladhaicheas an toll as motha san t-sloc-gainmhich. Bing and Pando get a bit too competitive over who can dig the biggest hole in the sandpit. Show more
Tha Bing agus Sula a’ campachadh ach tha Bing eagallach bhon uilebheist a tha sa ghàrradh. Bing and Sula go camping, but Bing is frightened of the monster in the garden. Show more
Tha urram ga bhuileachadh air Tintin ach chan eil cùisean cho rèidh sa dh' iarradh e. An official honour is given to Tintin but things aren't as smooth as he had hoped for. Show more
Tha Po dol cuide ri Mantis gu dhachaigh – ged nach eil cùisean buileach mar bhiodh e dùil. Po accompanies Mantis to his hometown, but things aren't quite as he expected. Show more
A luminous and poetic short documentary following Aonghas, a young boy who roams the seashore in search of sea creatures, great and small, weird and wonderful. Show more
Penfold causes the sun to go down prematurely, which a mysterious new villain plots to take advantage of! Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach seachdainn le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA. Show more
Andrew MacKinnon reports on the housing crisis experienced by many returning students. A shortage of private rented accommodation has forced some to stay with friends or commute long distances. Show more
Iain MacFhionghain le laoidhean, sailm agus sgeulachdan pearsanta mu chreideamh. Iain Mackinnon with psalms, hymns and personal faith stories. Show more
Sweeny reflects on the past year, discussing the impact of the pandemic on his life as a crofter in North Lewis. Show more
Murdo Macdonald explores the productive and splendid Gordon Castle Walled Garden. Murchadh Dòmhnallach a’siubhal feadh gàrradh bhrèagha thorrach Chaisteil Ghòrdain. Show more
Sealladh air mìorbhail dhìomhair an làin. The tide’s mystery is revealed. Featuring tidal bores, whirlpools and the world’s highest tides. Show more
Cùirm-chiùil a chaidh a chlàradh aig Pàillean Srath Pheofhair. Concert recorded at Strathpeffer Pavilion with Lauren MacColl. Show more
Finnish thriller series. In 2019, 12 years after the tragic death of his grandson Tommi, Risto Kurtti receives a mysterious letter at his home in Helsinki. In Finnish with English subtitles.
Sùil air ais air ALT le ceòl bho Travis. Còmhla ri Dòmhnall Eòghainn MacFhionghain. Highlights from ALT featuring music and chat from Travis. With Dòmhnall Eoghainn Mackinnon. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.