Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Kit and Pup investigate the world of opposites - today it’s inside and outside. Show more
When Hare would rather read her big book of fairytales than hang out with Fox, he fears he’s not exciting enough. Show more
Tha Shane a’ cur a thàlant còcaireachd gu feum ann an suidheachadh car annasach. Shane puts his culinary skills to use in a rather unusual setting. Show more
The Abadas are enjoying a picnic with Hari's special toy, Cwac the duck, and Seren's favourite teddy. Ela feels a little left out as she doesn't have a special toy. Show more
Tha picnic a’ gabhail àite – ach chan eil am biadh a’ fuireach stòlda. It’s picnic time, but the food isn’t staying in place. Show more
Ailig Dòmhnallach a’ leughadh Sligeanach Fànais. Alec MacDonald reads Sligeanach Fànais. Show more
Danger Mouse inherits the ancient but spritely MK3 car after the MK4 gets jammed-up (literally). But Penfold is suspicious when the MK3 is determined to have DM all to himself. Show more
Cha do dhùin doras nach do dh'fhosgail doras. When one door closes, another door opens!
Tha iad ag iomradh an-diugh agus tha an rèis seachad mus do thòisich i. They’re rowing today and the race is over before you know it.
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An tòir an fheadhainn a thug ionnsaigh air, tha Tintin a' coinneachadh ri mòran dhùbhlain. In trying to find those who attacked him, Tintin faces many hurdles. Show more
Skateboarder Bobby Jock is going to perform a show, but the tickets are expensive. To pay for them, Matilda and her friends decide to sell squeezed juices. Show more
Sreath a' toirt sùil air cruinnichean de dhualchas, òrain agus beul-aithris Ghàidhlig. A series looking at the heritage of collections of Gaelic songs and stories.
Mairi MacLeod talks about the poem “An t-Seann Dachaigh” by Elizabeth Sutherland. Màiri NicLeòid le iomradh air an dàn “An t-Seann Dachaigh” le Ealasaid Shutharlanach. Show more
Calum Maclean visits Airth in Stirlingshire where he discovers a fruity architectural surprise. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Annabel Maclennan reports on concerns about the high price of crofts in Scotland. Young people especially are finding it increasingly difficult to obtain working crofts. Show more
Canna lies off the coast of Skye in a cluster of islands known as the Small Isles. But with only 15 residents and difficult access to the mainland, Canna is a fragile community. Show more
Ramsay explores the north of Mull before hopping on the ferry to Ardnamurchan. Tha Ramsay ann an ceann a tuath Mhuile mus gabh e null air an aiseag gu Àird nam Murchan. Show more
The genius behind the great deep-sea hunters. A' ghliocas a th' aig na sealgairean mara seo. Show more
Animated series. The players take on the Bard but librarian Laura Potts is baffled by their eccentricity. Show more
Featuring musical stars Emily Smith, Martha Wainwright, Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh, Rosanne Cash and Paul Brady. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.