soprano with Erik Werba (piano)
Brahms Aus den Volksliedern:
Die Sonne scheint nicht mehr Feinsliebchen Die Trauernde Trennung
In stiller Nacht
Die Schwalble ziehet fort Vergebliches Standchen
Trost in Tranen
Unbewegte laue Luft
Standchen (Der Mond steht Qber dem Berge)
Es traumte mir
Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen Von ewiger Liebe
A discussion on the medical and social implications of the Government Plan between
THE PHYSICIAN in Psychological Medicine at a London Teaching Hospital
A PSYCHO-ANALYST, who is Medical Director of a Hospital for Neurosis THE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT of a Mental Hospital
An important feature of the Plan, which was announced in January, is a reduction by half, over the next fifteen years, in the present number of places in mental hospitals and provision for the treatment of mentally ill patients in general hospitals. The Minister of Health has said that this will mean " nothing less than the elimination of by far the greater number of this country's mental hospitals as they stand today."
by EDWARD ALBEE adapted for broadcasting by John Gibson
Edward Albee says of his play: 'It is an examination of the American Scene, an attack on the substitution of artificial for real values in our society, a condemnation of complacency, cruelty, emasculation and vacuity; it is a stand against the fiction that everything in this slipping land of ours is peachy-keen.'
Cast in order of speaking
Mavis Villiers as Mommy Robert Ayres as Daddy Avril Elgar as Grandma Ann Murray as Mrs. Barker William Greene as the Young Man
Production by JOHN Gibson
Frederick Grinke (violin)
Wilfrid Parry (piano)