An opera in two acts by Rossini
Libretto by Giuseppe Palomba sung in Italian
DON POMPONIO STORIONE, a fanatical and ambitious man (bass)
Italo Tajo LISETTA, his daughter, in love with Filippo (soprano).Angelina Tuccari
FILIPPO, an innkeeper (baritone)
Mario Borriello
DORALICE, a traveller (soprano)
Gianna Galli
ANSELMO, her father (bass)
Leonardo Monreale
ALBERTO, a young man looking for a wife (tenor) Agostino Lazzari
MADAMA LA Rose, a young traveller
Bianca Maria Casoni
Frenchman who hopes to marry Doralice (bass) Carlo Cava
Travellers, Quakers, guests, masks Chorus and Chamber Orchestra ' Alessandro Scarlatti' of RAI, Naples
Conducted by FRANCO CARACCIOLO Ac-r 1
Scene 1: A street with shops and a cafe adjoining gardens with statues and fountains
Scene 2: An elegant hall with doors leading into other rooms on the ground floor of the Eagle Inn
A selection of recent and unpublished verse
Arranged and produced by Terence Tiller
Taner Baybars , Edwin Brock Denis Goacher , Zulflkar Ghose Louis MacNeice , Jon Silkin
Gillian Stone , Lydia Wickham Ursula Vaughan Williams Margaret Stanley-Wrench Readers: Prunella Scales
William Devlin , Denys Hawthorne
Scene 1: On a veranda of the inn
Scene 2: The hall in the inn decorated for a festival
This recording of a performance broadcast in Italy has been made available by courtesy of Radiotelevisione Italiana.