Heinz Rehfuss (baritone) Ernest Lush (piano)
Schubert L'Incanto degli occhl
II traditor deluso
II modo di preder moglle
Frank Martin
Sechs Monologe aua Jedermann
Art and Anarchy by EDGAR WIND
Professor of the History of Art in the University of Oxford and Fellow of Trinity College 4: The Fear of Knowledge
in the Home Service
Fifth lecture: December 11 (Home) and December 12 (Third)
These lectures are being printed in ' The Listener'
by FRANCIS WATSON with Norman Shelley
Owen Berry , Deryck Guyler
Malcolm Hayes , Murray Kash Betty Linton , Jack Shaw
Narration by Denis McCarthy The script is chiefly based on ARTHUR WALEY 'S 'The Opium War through Chinese Eyes '
Smetana Quartet
Jiri Novak , Lubomir Kostecky Milan Skampa , Antonin Kohout
by Robert Baldick
Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford The Bohème of the 1840s in literary Paris was a kind of early beatnik phenomenon. It helped to create a persistent image of the literary man as a gay, irresponsible, and slightly disreputable figure on the fringes of bourgeois society. How was this legend born?
: second broadcast