Second hearings of the talks arranged to mark the tercentenary of the Royal Society
1: THE QUANTUM WORLD by A. B. Pippard , F.R.S.
Plummer Professor of Physics in the University of Cambridge
At very low temperatures, where atoms have shed most of their disposable energy, the large-scale behaviour of matter is often governed by quantal laws. Phenomena such as superconductivity and superfluidity have long puzzled physicists. Now the heart of the problem seems to have been solved, and the insight gained can be applied to general studies of electrons in metals, and of liquids, for instance. : second broadcast
Adagio: Cinderella (Prokofiev) with Maria Karandasjova (piano)
Sonata No. 2, in F (Brahms) with Alexander Dedyukhin (piano)
Introduction and Polonaise, Op. 3
(Chopin) with .Alexander Dedyukhin (piano) on gramophone records
1622 by THOMAS MIDDLETON with June Tobin and Michael Goagh
Characters in order of speaking
The Scene: Alicant, a Valencian seaport on the east coast of Spain The principal source of The Channeling is John Reynolds 's The Triumphs at God's Revenge against ... Murther (1621) and sections from this book are read before each of the five acts.
Music composed by CHRISTOPHER WHELEN played by a section of the New Symphony Orchestra conducted by the composer
Radio adaptation and production by RAYMOND RAIKES
: third broadcast
This programme was first broadcast as part oi the series British Drama: 1600-1642.
An opera in four acts
Libretto by Einar Christiansen English version by Geoffrey Dunn Music by CARL NIELSEN
BBC Scottish Choral Society
BBC Scottish Orchestra
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conducted by BERTHOLD GOLDSCMIDT Producer, Geoffrey Dunn Repetiteur, Vida Harford ACT 1: Saul's house in Gilgal
by William Townsend
Among the many new housing estates in London a few stand out as examples of architecture.' Mr. Townsend, a painter long interested in city landscapes, has visited two that he feels are remarkable: the Golden Lane Estate in the City of London, and the Claremont Street flats in Bethnal Green-
Act 2: The same at Act 1
by Asa Briggs, Professor of Modern History in the University of Leeds
A series of four talks
How far do the Labour movement and the Labour party of today owe their shape and their purpose to the work of certain intellectuals over the past fifty years? Asa Briggs considers the influence of G.D.H. Cole, whom he believes to have been of the classical type of socialist intellectual in British politics.
Acr 3: Saul's camp
Arranged by Rayner Heppenstall : second broadcast
Acr 4: Scene 1: A hut in Endor
Scene 2: On Mount Gilboa
: first heard in 1959