REYNER BANHAM , assistant executive editor of The Architectural Review, recently returned from a visit to the XII TricnnaJe in Milan made on behalf of the Third Programme. He considers the differences of intention between Italian and non-Italian designers as revealed in the schools and homes exhibited there.
(: second broadcast)
Symphony No. 93, in D
Symphony No. 94. in G (The Surprise) played by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Sir Thomas Beecham , Bt. on a gramophone record
See foot of page
(: second broadcast) followed by an Interlude at 7.50
Last of eleven weekly programmes each recorded from a Thursday Invitation Concert broadcast earlier in the year Magda Laszlo (soprano)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Alfons Kontarsky and Aloys Kontarsky
(two pianos)
Heinz Haedler (percussion)
Part 1
Two talks by Norman Hunt
Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford
2-The Russia Company and the Bank of England
Some of the most important functions of eighteenth-century government were transacted behind the scenes between shrewd men who understood one another.
Part 2
by Edmund Spenser
Introduced by Rayner Heppenstall
Members of the New York Pro Musica
Director, Noah Greenberg
Occasional Music
Apostolo glorioso; Adieu ces bons vins: Supremum est mortalibus; Seigneur Leon; Tres piteulx. de tout espoir fontaine; Portigaler; Je ne vis oncques la pareille; Ave regina coelorum
Last of three programmes devised and introduced by Denis Stevens