by Jean-Jacques Bernard
Arranged as a radio play by Raymond Raikes from the English translation by John Leslie Frith
Music by John Hotchkis based on the setting by Duparc of Baudelaire's poem
'L'Invitation au Voyage '
The Goldsbrough Orchestra (leader. Emanuel Hurwitz ) conducted by John Hotchkis
Production by Raymond Raikes
The Gruenberg-Reizenstein Duo:
Erich Gruenberg (violin) Franz Reizenstein (piano)
by Laurence Lerner
Lecturer in English
In the University of Belfast
Mr. Lerner analyses the structure of George Eliot 's novel Middlemarch in terms of what he believes to be the author's unique combination of ' the cool gaze and the warm heart.'
Janet Baker (contralto)
Ernest Lush (piano)
O wüsst' ich doch den Weg zurürk O kUhler Wald Geheimnis
Wir wandelten, wir zwei zusammen Meerfahrt
Standchen, Op. 106 No. 1 Ein Wanderer
Regenlied: Regentropfen aus den
Das Madchen spricht
Madchenlied: Auf die Nacht In den
Auf dem Kirchhote