Wanda Wilkomirska (violin)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)
A weekly review of the arts
In the interests of topicality it is not alwayt possible to include details of Comment
Items in Radio TIMES. This weeks item, will be announced at the microphone.
Agnes Giebel (soprano) Janet Baker (contralto)
Richard Lewis (tenor)
BBC Chorus
BBC Choral Society
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate ) London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Hugh Maguire )
Conducted by Heinz Unger
Associate conductor, Peter Gellhorn
Ich atmet' einen linden Dun (soprano) Revelgc (tenor)
Licbst du um Schonheit (contralto)
Blicke mir nicht in die Liederl (tenor) Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
Der Tamboursg'sell (tenor) Um Mittemacht (soprano)
Mahler's Symphony No. 6: August 8 A booklet by Deryck Cooke , with foreword by Bruno Walter , ha. been published by the BBC as a companion to the Mahler centenary celebrations. It can be ordered, price 5s., through newsagents and book-sellers or direct by sending a crossed postal order for 5s. (not stamps, please) to [address removed]
by Lord Byron
A shortened version In twelve weekly episodes arranged by Terence Tiller
EPISODE 3: ' Shipwreck '
(: second broadcast)
Episode 4, ' Haidee ': July 28
of the 18th century
The Goldsbrough Ensemble:
Emanuel Hurwitz (violin)
Nona Liddell (violin) Terence Weil (cello)
Arnold Goldsbrough (harpsichord)