by William Masselos
Anthony Curtis talks about some modern American humorists including interviews with Jules Feiffer and Mort Sahl
With excerpts from the recorded performances of Mort Sahl and Lenny Bruce Produced by Sasha Moorsom
(: second broadcast) followed by an Interlude at 7.20
From the Royal Opera House.
Covent Garden
See foot of page
Act 1
Scene 1: Outside Dr. Bartolo's house: dawn
Scene 2: Inside Dr. Bartolo's house: later
Exposed since the war to conflicting influences from America and from China, torn between a ritualistic past and an industrialised future, are there elements in present-day Japan that will enable her to resolve these two influences?
ROBERT GUILLAIN , who has been living in Japan for two years, is interviewed by Pierre Emmanuel.
Acr 2: The music-room in Dr. Bartolo's house: late afternoon
Three talks on the social order before the coming of industry by Peter Laslett Lecturer in History
In the University of Cambridge
3-Social Change and Revolution
(: second broadcast)