' The Capture of Troy'
Acts 1 and 2
by Owen Holloway
After their first publication in the early nineteenth century Casanova's memoirs became the subject of lively speculation and controversy, partly aroused by the fact that the text then published was known to be incomplete. Now at last the full original text is being issued in six volumes, of which the first two have recently appeared in Germany and France.
From a close acquaintance with the life and thought of the Grand Siecle, Owen Holloway examines the light these writings shed on Casanova's real personality.
' The Trojans at Carthage '
by H. H. Lamb of the Meteorological Office
Grandiose schemes are sometimes suggested for modifying the world's climate-such as melting the Arctic ice or creating vast continental lakes. But what of the past? The speaker describes his researches which attempt to correlate outstanding developments in human affairs with the major changes of climatic history.
' The Trojans at Carthage '
Arthur Symons
Selected, introduced, and read by lain Fletcher
The Trojans at Carthage '
Act 5