Editor of the Journal of Biblical Literature
F. M. CROSS of Harvard Divinity School
Subjects: Jewish Religious Life at the time of Christ: Origin of Gnosticism; Influences on the New Testament
W. F. Albright , Emeritus Professor of Semitic Languages at Johns Hopkins University, who is widely regarded as the doyen of Semitic studies in America, was recently in this country with two of his younger American colleagues. In this programme they talk to John Strugnell , who 11 preparing fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls for publication. Apart from the subjects stated; they consider the sometimes questioned soundness of paleography as a too] for dating these manuscripts.
Heinz Rehfuss (baritone)
Ernest Lush (piano)
Michelangelo Lieder: Wohl denk* ich oft;
Alles endet; Fiihlt meine Seele
Prometheus (Goethe Lieder)
Der Mond hat eine schwere Klage (Italienisches Liederbuch)
Denk' es, 0 Seele; Der Tambour (Morike
Ein Standchen euch zubringen; Heh auf dein blondes Haupt (Italienisches Liederbuch)
Ob der Koran (Goethe Lieder)
Schon streckt' ich aus im Bett (Italienisches
So lang man nuchtern ist (Goethe Lieder) Seemanns Abschied (Eichendorff Lieder)
Third of a series of six programmes
Barry McDaniel (baritone) and Ernest Lush (piano),: March 16
See foot of page
by Helmut Walcha
From the Royal Festival Hall, London