Music drama in three acts (sung In German)
Covent Garden Orchestra (Leader, Charles Taylor)
Conducted by Franz Konwitschny
From the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (by arrangement with the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Ltd.)
The action takes place in legendary times
Act 1: The interior of Hunding's hut
ANDREW SHONFIELD, on a recent visit to the U.S.S.R., was struck by the disdainful attitude of the Soviet citizen towards money. He compares this with the Russian aristocrat's traditional indifference to material possessions, but suggests that for reasons of economic efficiency' they have got to take cash more seriously.'
Acr 2: A wild, rocky place
by Ian Watt
Samuel Johnson , who was born 250 years ago, is often admired and studied more as a man than a writer; but the close connection between what he was and what he wrote makes him, in Mr. Watt's view, 'the greatest English writer whose work belongs mainly to the category of the literature of experience.'
ACT 3: On the top of a rocky mountain
' Siegfried ': September 28 at 6.0
A selection of his poems
Read by Duncan Carse , Garard Green and David Spenser
Today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report