Written for radio by Giinter Eich
Translated from the German by Michael Hamburger
Gabriele, a Jewish girl of seventeen, is in hiding from the Nazis with her grandfather in a Berlin flat. Inspired by an old newspaper cutting, the two of them reconstruct the story of a party of Italian schoolgirls lost in the Roman catacombs. They feel that their own real situation is illuminated by the imagined one in the catacombs, which for the listener symbolise the Nazi gas chambers.
Cast in order of speaking:
IN viterbo:
Produced by Christopher Holme
Quartet No. 6, in G played by the Carmirelli String Quartet:
Pina Carmirelli (violin)
Monserrat Cervera (violin).
Luigi Sagrati (viola)
Arturo Bonucci (cello)
The last of six programmes of instrumental music by Shostakovich, in which the six string quartets have been played.
(1765-1838) pupil of Mozart opera and song composer organist of St. Paul's Cathedral
Songs (poems by Sir Walter Scott ):
Ave Maria
He is gone on the mountain
Piano Trio in B fiat (first movement) Aria: Come from Horror's dreary cell
(The Prisoner)
Song: Yes, once more that. dying strain
Waltz for piano-duet and other music, including a minuet for string quartet as written by Attwood and corrected by Mozart
Patricia Clark (soprano) Maurice Bevan (baritone) Clifton Helliwell (piano)
The Beaufort Trio: Felix Kok (violin)
Alexander Kok (cello) Daphne Ibbott (piano)
Marjorie Lavers (violin) Eileen Grainger (viola)
The programme devised and introduced by Arthur Jacobs
ISAAC DEUTSCHER speaks about Trotsky at the very ebb of his fortunes, and about the book Trotsky's Diary in Exile: 1935, which has recently been published in an English translation.
.(The recorded broadcast of July 10)