by Bertolt Brecht
Translated by H. R. Hays
(sung in German)
Orchestra of the BAYREUTH FESTIVAL
Producer, Wieland Wagner
The action taket place in legendary timet
Act 1: A cave in a forest
A programme about current questions in architecture and planning
Progress at Brasilia by J. M. Richards
A substantial part of Brazil's new capital, rising in the under-populated highlands of the interior, has now been completed. J. M. Richards has just returned from a visit to the site.
Act 2: The depths of the forest
2-The Poems of Richard Corbett Selected, introduced, and read by Hugh Trevor Roper
Regius Professor of Modern History in the University of Oxford
Act 3, Scene 1: A wild region at the foot of a mountain
Scene 2: The summit of the Valkyries' Rock