(Dioneus's Tale on the Sixth
Day) from Boccaccio's 'Decameron'
Produced by Sasha Moorsom (The recorded broadcast of May 9)
'The Enchanted Pear Tree':
April 5
Sonata in D minor, Op. 14
Trio In F, Op 16 N« 1
Played by the Robert Masters Piano Trio
Repeated on Thursday at 6.0
An opera in four acts by Rimsky-Korsakov
English translation by Denn.s Arundell
BBC Chorus
London Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Nicolai Malko
Producer. Dennis Arundell
Scene: Moscow, autumn 1572
Act 1: The Celebration
A hall in Grtasnoi's house
Another performance: Tuesday at 70
A Defence of Academic Values against Utilitarianism by Peter Winch
Lecturer in Philosophy at University College, Swanaea
Act 2: The Magic Herb
A street in Moscow
An interview by Henry Mayhew Adapted by Douglas Cleverdon from 'London Labour and tht
London Poor'
The recorded broadcast Of
September 5. 1953)
Act 3: The Bridesman
A room in S"bak:n's house
Act 4: The Bride
A salon in the Tsar's Palace
(Sunday's recorded broadcast
Sonata N° 1. In G for unaccompanied cello played by James Starker on gramophone records