Three madrigals for violin and viola played by Sydney Humphreys (violin)
Watson Forbes (viola)
Bertram Joseph and Franklyn Kelsey discuss and illustrate the style of Elizabethan dramatic verse speaking
Mr. Joseph has put forward the view that the style of Elizabethan acting can best be approached from a study of the various Renaissance authorities on oratory and rhetoric. In this programme Mr. Kelsey, following Mr. Joseph's direction, attempts to produce for modern ears a near equivalent to what Elizabethans experienced from the same words and rhythms.
(The recorded broadcast of Sept. 10)
('The Rose-Bearer')
Opera in three acts by Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Music by Richard Strauss
(sung in German)
Chorus of tihe Vienna State Opera Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra CONDUCTED BY CLEMENS KRAUSS
Scene: Vienna in the eighteenth century during the reign of Maria Theresa Act 1
The boudoir of the Princess
The Poetry of Thomas Hardy
Talk by Donald Davie
See also 9.35
Act 2
The hall in the house of Faninal
A reading of several of his poems, arranged and introduced by Donald Davie
Reader, David Enders
Act 3
A private room at an inn
Talk by Christopher Hollis , M.P.
The speaker reviews G. W. Keeton 's book and discusses how far the new administrative tribunals are robbing the citizen of his right only to be punished before an independent court.