Concertante for two flutes and orchestra played by Andre Jaunet and Peter Lukas Graf (flutes)
Collegium Musicum Orchestra ,
Conductor. Paul Sacher
Talk by Lord Percy p.c ,
Lord Percy , late Vice-Chancellor of the University of Durham, is author of Democracy on Trial and Government in Transition. In this talk he refers particularly to the collection of essays Problems of Nationalised Industries edited by W. A. Robson , published last year. Whilst the book seeks mainly to answer the question whether nationalisation is good for the industries concerned, Lord Percy is more concerned to discuss whether nationalisation is compatible with free parliamentary institutions of the British type.
Thirty-three Variations on a Waltz of Diabelli, Op. 120 played by Artur Schnabel (piano) on gramophone records
Talk by Manya Harari
In the speaker's view, present-day parents have not onfty lost confidence in the value of what they can give their children but have developed a paralysing feeling of guilt towards them. As a result they have abdicated their authority and the children's normal revolt against authority has tunned into a revolt against life itself.
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
George Barker introduces and reads passages from his poem
' True Confession '
Act 2
The Revolutionary Tribunal, Paria
Act 3
Scene 1: A prison Cell, Pans
Scene 2: The Place de la République
There will be a second performance of the opera tomorrow at 7.15, and a third performance next Monday
Talk by D. M. MacKinnon Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Aberdeen
Quartet in D minor played by the Amadeus String Quartet