Prelude, Aria, and Finale: played by Cortot (piano): gramophone records
by Mikhail Prishvin
Readings taken from The Lake and the Woods: or Nature's Calendar, translated from the Russian by W.L. Goodman
Reader, Carleton Hobbs
from Glyndebourne
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (soprano)
Peter Pears (tenor) '
Thomas Hemsley (baritone)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate )
Charles Spinks (harpsichord)
Royal Philharmoniic Orchestra (Leader, David McCallum )
Conducted by John Pritchard
God Save the Queen
Part 1
Talk by D. M. MacKinnon
Professor of Moral Philosophy in the \University of Aberdeen
from Glyndebourne
Part 2
A public concert arranged by the Third Programme in collaboration with Glyndebourne. There will be a second performance, from the studio, tomorrow at
8.50 p.m.
by William Shakespeare
Produced by William Hughes from Glen Byam Shaw 's production at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre
Music composed by Clifton Parker
Characters in order of speaking: andand
(Continued in next column)
Other pants played by Jane Holland , Thomas Moore and Derek Hodgson
Clarinet Quintet played by the Melos Ensemble:
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
Eli Goren (viol,in) Leonard Friedman (violin)
Cecil Aronowitz (viola)
Terence Weil (cello)
by Gordon Craig
' The Mask, that paramount meani of dramatic expression ... ' Gordon Craig explains why he believes this to be as true of rhc theatre today as it was in the ancient world.