Recordings made in Athens introduced by George Angeloglou
Produced by Peter Duval Smith
The bouzouki is a small six-stringed mandolin of Near Eastern origin. It is the dominant instrument in the bouzouki orchestra, a small ensemble consisting of two or three bouzoukia, a piano, clarinet, guitar, violin, and the Greek lyra. There is usually a vocal accompaniment.
A talk by Christopher Sykes , who has been making a special study of Zionism
Pierre Mollet (baritone)
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
David Martin (violin) Iris Loveridge (piano)
by Molière
(performed in French)
Cast in order of speaking:
Adaptation for radio and production by J. Weltman
Les Pricieuses Ridicules was Moliere's first Paris success. It is sffiH one of his funniest plays, a social satire which retains much of Us topicality after nearly three hundred years.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
(Leader, David McCallum )
Conducted by Norman Del Mar
Part 1
Rachmaninov's symphonic poem, written in 1907, was suggested by a painting by the Swiss artist Arnold Bocklin. This depicts an island with towering rocks and cypress trees towards which, across a calm sea, a ferryman is steering a small boat. The ferryman is Charon, and the white shrouded figure standing in the bows is the shade of a departed sou] who is being conveyed to the Isle of the Dead. H.R.
A monthly review of cultural and political trends in the U.S.S.R. Cuisine in the U.S.S.R. by Ivan Bilibin
A talk on fashion trends and aims in ra»te reform revealed in a Soviet cookery book published last ytar.
Part 2
by George Gordon ,
Lord Byron i
Read by Michael Hordern
* The Vision of Judgment ' was written at Ravenna in September 1821, when Byron was thirty-three. The poem is a parody of an attack on Byron made by rhe Poet Laureate, Robert Southey.
Eilidh McNab (soprano)
John Whitworth (counter-tenor)
Wilfred Brown (tenor)
Norman Platt (baritone)
The Cambridge Singers Conductor, John Stevens
Goday mv Lord; Proface, welcome; Nova nova: Ecce quod natura; Ivy is good: Illuminare Jerusalem; Jeau (111 Virginia; Lullay lullow; Alma Redemptoris Mater
by Basil Taylor
A talk arising from a recent visit to the Werkakademie at Kassel and from a reading of Ortega y Gasset's lectures ' Miaaion of a University.'