Sophie Wyss (soprano)
Alfred Hepworth (tenor)
Erich Gruenberg (violin) Clifton Helliwell (piano)
Lionel Salter and Charles Spinks (two pianos)
by Nontando Jabavu
Nontando Jabavu , formerly Assistant at the School of Oriental and African Studies, talks about her experience of re-learning her native language, Xhosa, and of the insight comparative language studies can give into the social and mental habits of a people.
Piano Sonata in D. Op. 10 No. 3 Piano Sonata in A, Op. 101 played by Franz Reizenstein
Fifth of a series of programmes in which all Beethoven's piano sonatas are being played
Alexander Halpern reviews the first volume of E. H. Carr 's ' History of Soviet Russia,' published recently
The speaker was General Secretary of the Provisional Government in Russia until the outbreak of the Bolshevik Revolution
(The recorded broadcast of Jan. 16)
The Deller Consort:
April Cantelo (soprano)
Alfred Deller (counter-tenor)
Max Wortbley (tenor)
Norman Platt (baritone)
Sohola Polyphonica
Director, Henry Washington
An instrumental ensemble
Suipremum est mortabilis bonum Ave regina coelorum
La belle se siet au pied de la tour Adieu oes bons vins de Lannoys Que,l fronte signorille
Je ne vis oncques la pareilles
Kyrie (Mass: L'homme arme)
Ecclesiae militantis - Sanctorum arbitrio - Bella canunt - Ecce nomen Domini - Gabriel
Introduced by Denis Stevens
(To be repeated on February 25)
Guillaume Dufay (c. 1400-74) was one of the greatest musicians of the declining Middle Ages. A master of every kind of musical form, he possessed a style unique for its humanistic aspects, which appear in his sacred music as well as in his ballades and rondeaux. Thus the appearance of his own name in the text of 'Ave regina coelorum' has a poignancy akin to his fond farewell to the wines of Lannoys.
A morality for Liverpool Cathedral by Patric Dickinson with music by Lambert Williamson
Northern Voices
Verse Speaking Choir
Directed by Diana Fraser
Sale and District
Musical Society
Conducted by Alfred Higson
(Continued in next column)
Peter Heald (treble) George Oave (tenor)
Leslie Earl (bass)
William Hardwicke (organ)
Others taking part:
Isla Cameron , Jennifer Edmonds
Jacqueline Thompson , Margaret Young and Derek Birch
Production by Joe Burroughs
(A new production of the programme broadcast in North of England Heme Service last April.)
To be repeated tomorrow
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conductor, Ian Whyte
The Great Land-mass
Talk by G. F. Hudson
In the second of two talks on the Atlantic voyages that culminated in the discovery of America, G. F. Hudson , Fellow of Ail Souls College, Oxford, describes the course of the expeditions from southern Europe in the fifteenth century.
(The recorded broadcast of Feb. 20
String Quartet No. 2, in D played by the Pro Arte Quantet on gramophone records