Sir Arthur Grimble tells two stories he heard when serving as a District Officer in the lagoon islands of the Central Pacific
(Jacobus Gallus) (born July 31, 1550)
Alfred Deller (counter-tenor) George Rizza (counter-tenor) Eric Barnes (tenor) Norman Platt (baritone)
Schola Polyphonica, Director Henry Washington
Resonet in laudibus
Adoramus te Christe
Ecce concipies Planxit David
In nomine Jesu Beati estis
Impetum inimicorum Regnum mundl
Trahe me post te
Mirabile mysterium
Programme arranged by Egon Wellesz
Introduced by Denis Stevens
by Thomas Love Peacock Adapted for broadcasting by Denis Cannan
The music composed and conducted by Anthony Bernard
(Continued in next column)
London Chamber Players and a section of the London Chamber Singers
(soloists: Barbara Lane and Elizabeth Cooper )
Production by Donald McWhinnie
Gareth Morris (flute)
Max Salpeter (violin)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord)
London Mozart Players
(Leader. Max Salpeter )
Conductor, Harry Blech
From the Guildhall, Cambridge
Part 1
Talk by C. M. Woodhouse
The speaker has just returned from a journey in Greece. He commanded the Allied Military Mission to the Greek guerrillas during the war and has been closely in touch with Greek affairs since then.
Part 2
(Continued in next column)
A soliloquy for three voices by D. G. Bridson
Scene: Hellenistic Alexandria
Thirteen Preludes, Op. 32 played by Joan Davies (piano)
Third of a series of programmes of music by Rachmaninov
by Sir Charles Webster K.C.M.O , ., Stevenson Professor of International History in the University of London
In this talk Sir Charles Webster draws on some hitherto unpublished confidential letters of Princess Lieven to which he had access for his forthcoming book on Palmerston. These throw further light on her quarrel with Palmerston and on the part she tried to play-nett always as successfully as she hoped-in dip.omatic relations.
(The recorded broadcast of July 24)