Sonata No. 2 for cello and piano played by William Pleeth (cello) Margaret Good (piano)
The New London
A critical discussion of the nature and progress of the London plans Speakers: Arthur Ling , Senior Plannmg Officer of the L.C.C., and Gordon Stephenson , Professor of Civic Design at Liverpool University. In the chair: Peter ShepheardA.M.T.P.I. ,
Third of four programmes
The Renaissance Singers
Conductor, Michael Howard
Ralph Downes (organ)
Full anthems:
O clap your hands together, all ye people: Almighty and everlasting
God: 0 Lord, in thy wrath rebuke me not
Fancy for double orgaine; Fantasia
Anthems with verses to the organs:
Blessed are all they that fear the Lord: The secret sins that hidden lie; Behold, thou has made my days
(solo counter-tenor,
Michael Griffith-Jones )
From St. Thomas' Church,
Regent Street, W.1
Rhythm by the Rev. A. M. Jones
In the second of his three talks the Warden of St. Mark's College, Mapanza, analyses the interplay of rhythms that characterises African music.
Produced by Douglas Cleverdon
Margaret Ritchie (soprano)
George Armitage (tenor)
Frederick Grinke (violin)
Neville Marriner (violin)
James Whitehead (cello)
Arnold Goldsbrough (harpsichord)
Sonata No. 4, in D minor, for harpsichord
0 peace, thou fairest child of heav'n; Guardian Angels; Thou soft flowing Avon; 0 come, 0 come my dearest
Dies Ilia: The Shepherd; The Plague of Love
Trio Sonata No. 2, in G, for two violins, cello, and harpsichord
Third of a series of programmes ot music by Arne
by Sir Charles Webster, K.C.M.G., Stevenson Professor of International History in the University of London
In this talk Sir Charles Webster draws on some hitherto unpublished confidential letters of Princess Lieven to which he had access for his forthcoming book on Palmerston. These throw further light on her quarrel with Palmerston and on the part she tried to play-not always as successfully as she hoped-in diplomatic relations.
Nancy Evans (mezzo-soprano)
The Wigmore Ensemble:
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute) Jack Brymer (clarinet) Maurice Clare (violin) Albert Chasey (violin)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
William Pleeth (cello)
Eugene Cruft (double-bass)
Marie Korchinska (harp)
James Blades (percussion)
Ctifton Helliwell (celesta)
(Continued in next column)
Debater and Poet
Christopher Hollis reviews the recently published book by David Nichol Smith
Piano Sonata in G. Op. 14 No. 2
Piano Sonata in C minor. Op. 13
(Pathetique) played by Edith Vogel
Story by Virginia Woolf
Read by Martin Starkie