Quartet in A minor
Op. 132 played by the Griller String Quartet:
Sidney Griller (violin) Jack O'Brien (violin) Philip Burton (viola) Colin Hampton (cello)
Fifteenth of a series of recitals in which all Beethoven's string quartets are being played
First of two talks by Iris Murdoch
The speaker examines the work of the existentialists Sartre, Camus, and Simone de Beauvoir to discover what lies behind this rapprochement of literature and philosophy.
Franz Osborn (piano)
London Mozart Players (Leader, Max Salpeter ) Conductor, Harry Blech
Seventh of a series of programmes
by Henrik Ibsen
Adapted for broadcasting by Norman Ginsbury from his English version
Cast in order of speaking:
(Continued in next column)
, and and Production by Mary Hope Allen
The action takes place in a small spa on the west coast of Norway
Michelangelo Lieder
Wohl denk' ich oft; Alles endet was entstehet; Fiihlt meine Seele sung by Alexander Kipnis (bass) with Coenraad van Bos (piano) on gramophone records
A logical tale by Lewis Carroll
Read by Stuart Burge
Sonata No. 2, for violin and piano
Op. 55 played by Jean Pougnet (violin) Wilfrid Parry (piano)
Professor D. M. MacKinnon of Aberdeen University reviews the first volume of Dr. Emile Brunner 's ' Dogmatik '
This has been translated by Dr. Olive Wyon and published recently under the title ' The Christian Doctrine of God'