Fantasia and Fugue on the chorale
Ad nos, ad salutarem undam
played by Louis Kentner (piano)
Alan Ross discusses the effect of the Mediterranean's classic humanism on contemporary English writing
A new play about contemporary Japan by John Morris and Sewell Stokes
Cast in order of speaking:
(Continued in next column)
The action takes place after the war, tn Hokkaido (the northern island of Japan) and in Tokyo
Produced by Malcolm Baker Smith
Missa Brevis sung by the BBC Chorus with George Thalben-Ball (organ)
Conducted by the composer
Professor Geoffrey Jefferson gives a broadcast version of the Lister Oration delivered on June 9 at the Royal College of Surgeons.
Professor Jefferson explains the nature of the so-called mechanical brains ' and investigates the similarities between these electronic calculating machines and the human brain. He warns against the fallacy of regarding these similarities as proof of the electrical nature of nervous impulses, and explains why the human brain and its activity must be considered unique in Nature. Professor Jefferson is head of the Department of Neuro-Surgcry ' at Manchester University.
Margaret Bissett (contralto) Josephine Lee (accompanist)
Amadeus String Quartet:
Norbert Brainin (violin) Siegmund Nissel (violin)
Peter Schidlot (viola) Martin Lovett (cello)
Kenneth Essex (viola)
Talk by Philip Toynbee
A reprint of André Gide's book has appeared recently, and the collected works of Dostoevsky are being reissued
Trio for flute, viola, bassoon played by Geoffrey Gilbert (flute) Frederick Riddle (viola)
Tom Wightman (bassoon)