played by the Hungarian String Quartet:
Zoltan Szekely (violin)
Alexander Moskowsky (violin)
Denes Koromzay (viola)
Vilmos Palotai (cello)
Fourth of six programmes of quartets by Mozart and Bartok. played by the Hungarian String Quartet
Maurice Buckmaster , O.D.E., who was in charge of the organisation of British aid to French patriots during the Occupation, discusses this book by Julian Amery about the British organisation of resistance in Albania
Paul Raynal
English version Cecil Lewis
Production E. J. King Bull
' The Unknown Warrior ' (' Le Tombeau sous l'Arc de Triomphe') was presented for the nrst time in English on February 5, 1928'
Symphony No. 3, in E flat
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Conducted by Erich Kleiber
by Jane Austen
Chapters 10, 11, and 12 Read by Leslie Stokes
BBC Singers
Conducted Cyril Gell
Madrigals edited by E. H. Fellowes
William Shakespeare
An extract from the poem read Peggy Ashcroft
Production by Patric Dickinson
Barcarolle No. 6: Carmen Guilbert Impromptu No. 2: Marguerite Long Barcarolle No. 2: Kathleen Long
Nocturne (Op. 33, No. 3):
Artur Rubinstein
Impromptu No. 5: Marguerite Long on gramophone records