Some poems on the Russian country by Alexei Toistoy , Lefmontov, Nekrassov, and Gogol
Readers: Christopher Hassall and Pierre Lefevre
Eugenia Zareska (mezzo-soprano)
Marian Nowakowski (bass)
Giorgio Favoretto (piano)
The Tempest The Feast Epitaph
Mephistopheles' Song of the Flea.
Sunless (settings of six poems by Count Golenistcheff Kutuzoff )
Poverty and Crime
A selection of passages from contemporary writings
Next talk: Friday at 8.40
First of five programmes of his music prepared under the direction of Anthony Lewis
Written and produced by Malcolm Baker-Smith
(by arrangement with Ealing Studios, Ltd.)
This programme, the third in the series devoted to the explanation and description of techniques, deals with the actual shooting of a film on the studio floor. It describes the personnel involved, the chief items of equipment used, and the principles and methods employed. The key personnel of a film unit is represented, as is also the uninitiated layman who wants to find out how things are done
To be repeated tomorrow at 6.40
Blech String Quartet:
Harry Blech (violin)
Lionel Bentley (violin) i Keith Cummings (viola)
Douglas Cameron (cello)
8.55 app. Interlude
by Lord Samuel Lord Samuel was born in 1870 and heard Gladstone as Prime Minister speak in the House of Commons in 1893 on a proposal for a permanent treaty of arbitration between Britain and the U.S.A. Lord Samuel had already taken part in his first parliamentary election as Liberal candidate tor South Oxfordshire before Gladstone died at Hawarden in 1898
Twelve Studies, Op. 10 played by Stefan Askenase (piano)
A second recital of Chopin studios played by Stefan Askenase : tomorrow at 8.5
Ernest Thesiger and Stephen Murray in ' The Dreams of , Petrarch and Boccaccio.
Symphony in Three Movements played by the Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York
Conducted by the composer on gramophone records
A talk by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor R. A. Knox