Conductor, Ian Whyte
Kathleen Long (piano)
A comedy by Ivan Turgenev
Adapted into English by Emlyn Williams
[Starring] James McKechnie, Lydia Sherwood. and Ronald Simpson
Scene: Yslaev's estate in the country near Moscow. Time: the early 'forties of the last century
A series of programmes devised by Ernst H. Meyer
2-Baroquc Music of the Seventeenth Century
Music for strings by Gabrieli,
Matthew Locke , Lalande, Munincks, and Valentini
Ernest Lush (harpsichord)
Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Arnold Goldsbrough
Script by James Fisher
Programme edited and produced by Stephen Potter
The coast of Wester Ross is one of the remotest and most inaccessible parts of the Highlands. It is one of the most ancient parts of Britain. for the rolling rock platform is of archaean gneiss, upon which little mountains of torridonian sandstone of typical steepness seem to have been deliberately planted by somebody with a sense of Gothic panorama. This is the edge of Britain, and a margin of life. On this margin the distribution of animals and plants is of absorbing interest. What are the relics of real tree forest in the ' Forest '? Which of our common birds have penetrated as far? What signs remain of an older flora and fauna? How far has man changed the face of nature, and how far does he affect it now? This is a part of the world more likely to be visited by eagles and black-throated divers than by naturalists
Sonata for two pianos and percussion played by Mewton-Wood and Ilona Kabos (two pianos)
William Bradshaw and James Blades (percussion)
String Quartet No. 6 played by the Hungarian String Quartet:
Z. Szekely (violin), A. Moskowsky (violin), D. Koromzay (viola), V. Palotai (cello)