' Sili go Dwt'
A dialogue story by ELEANOR BONIFACE based on an old Welsh tale
' Easter Customs among the Gypsies '
A talk by Gypsy PETULENGRO
5.30 From Midland:
Holiday Fare for Young Listeners
' Eustace, the Easter Egg ' a story by PETER LANSDALE told by HUGH
' Easter at Whipsnade ' a talk by GLADYS DAVIDSON
Songs by PETER EVANS (baritone)
at the Organ of the Forum Cinema,
Reminiscences of an old sea pilot
Captain Frank Wright
including Weather Forecast
D. Harris and R. J. Seviour
For Kitchens and for Shows
D. Harris brings R. J. Seviour to the microphone this evening to discuss the cultivation of a few of the most popular vegetables. At this time of the year thousands of gardeners and allotment holders are trying to find just that tip which will make all the difference between success and failure at a show. Something will be said about the ways of carrots, parsnips, celery, onions, and leeks.
Mona Magnet comedienne
The Five Microtones in close harmony
Billy Pound syncopated violin solos and Hugh Frossard and his Band
Syr Henry Jones
Darllenir dyfyniadau o araith Syr Henry Jones ar Undebaeth Lafur a draddodwyd yng Ngwyl Lafur Undeb Chwarelwyr Gogledd Cymru yng
(Historic Speeches-Sir Henry Jones )
A programme by artists who are making their appearance before the microphone for the first time
Cenir penillion gan
Prydderch Williams ac fe fydd
Nansi Richards Jones
(Telynores Maldwyn) yn canu'r Delyn
(A Penillion and Harp Recital)
Gypsy Petulengro
J. C. Griffith Jones
(including Weather Forecast)
including Weather Forecast