Tunes and Stories, by RONALD BIGGS
'.The Pirates and the Pearl' (No. 1), a Sea Fairy-tale by Dorothy Howard Rowlands
5.45 From Northern Ireland :
' Instruments of the Orchestra '
5—'The Plucked String Family ' by T. 0. CORRIN
by Frederick Dalrymple from Canton Parish Church, Cardiff
including Weather Forecast
Fel pob gwr priod call, y mae Sephania wedi cofio mewn pryd fod penblwydd Sophia yn digwydd heddiw. Penderfynodd ddathlu'r achlysur tra phwysig hwn, ond y mae He i ofni ei fod wedi gwneud cawl ohoni
(' Sephania and Sophia '—A humorous interlude)
A Cabaret entertainment from the Bradford Hall given by Swindon artists
Doreen Pullen (impressions)
Arthur Love (piano-accordion)
Harry Smith and his Dance Band
Compered by Will Richardson
A North Wales Publicity Office
A programme by artists who are making their appearance before the microphone for the first time
(including Weather Forecast)
including Weather Forecast