Directed by Philip Martell from the Commodore Theatre,
Alfred Piccaver (tenor): Roses of Picardy (Haydn Wood). Beauty's Eyes (Tosti). The Minstrel (Easthope Martin)
Ina Souez (soprano): Love Everlasting (Friml). Always (from Puritan Lullaby) (Dyren.forth and Smith). My Hero (The Chocolate Soldier) (Straus)
Stuart Robertson (bass-baritone):
The Spanish Lady (Hughes). Owl and the Pussy Cat. The Table and the Chair (Hely-Hutchinson)
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conductor, E. Godfrey Brown
James McCafferty (baritone)
Tina Bonifacio (harp)
Harry Dyson (flute)
Gethyn Wykeham-George
(From Northern Ireland)
Leader, Harold F. Petts
Conductor, Ernest W. Goss
Arnold Matters (baritone) from the Pavilion, Torquay