A series of ten programmes on the history of today and yesterday compiled from BBC Archive recordings
Written and introduced by GILBERT PHELPS
10:Trends and Trouble Spotst Tuesday's broadcast
Introductory music
9.35 The SERVICE
Rejoice, the Lord is King
(Tune, Gopsal)
Interlude: A message for men in danger (St. Mark's Gospel). 11: A Slave's Ransom
The Prayer of St. Richard
The head that once was crowned with thorns (Tune, St. Magnus)
Repeated on Friday at 9.5 a.m.
What's New?
CHARLES Fox reviews some recent jazz records
A new series on the history and conventions of opera
9: Mozart and the Ensemble t Illustrated talk by JOHN OWEN
Three illustrated talks on neglected masterpieces 1: C. S. LEWIS on The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan Readings by VlVIENNE CHATTERTON and MICHAEL SPICE t Second broadcast