by Douglas Fox
From Ely Cathedral
How to win
Chess Newspaper Competitions by A. J. ROYCROFT
Board required in starting position. The following position will also be discussed: r3kblr/plpnlppp/lp2p3/lB6/ 3q3P/PlN2P2/lP2N2Q/ RIBIK2b
Report on the British Championship by HARRY GOLOMBEK Arranged by TERENCETILLER
A course of forty-one lessons
Revision, by Dennis Ward with Victor Gregoriy.
(Repeated on Tuesday at 6.40)
(For details of accompanying book and pronunciation disc see page 43)
A magazine for radio and recording enthusiasts
The Tape of the Year 1963
Sound reports on the British Amateur Tape Recording Contest 1963, with extracts from Breakdown and other prize-winning tapes. The programme includes an interview with one of the prize-winners, and comments from the judges of the contest.
Introduced by DOUGLAS BROWN Produced by GEORGE ANGELL
ALEC ROBERTSON introduces some of the music to be broadcast from the Promenade Concerts during the coming week