Ball-by-ball commentaries by Rex Alston
John Arlott
Alan Gibson
Roy Lawrence
Comments on play by F. R. Brown
Norman Yardley
Lunch, teatime, and close-of-play summaries by L W. Swanton
Including lunchtime summary
2.10-4.20. including teatime summary
4.30-6.35 including close of play summary
Introduced by BASIL MINCHIN
News Comment: EDWARD ROGERS The Radio Voice of the Gospel:
The Director, DR. SIGURD Aske , tells HUBERT HOSKINS about the world's most powerful missionary radio station The Religious Drama Society:
CARINA ROBINS talks to BARRY CAMPBELL about the Society's future in its new premises, Bell House, by St. Sepulchre's Church, Holborn
Twelve lessons based on a letter from VERA LEBEDEVA
Recorded by courtesy of Moscow Radio Lesson 5: Introduced by ALEXIS BOBRINSKOY with Emmie VOSNESENSKAYA and MARGARET COLLIE
For details of accompanying booklet see page 42
Communication Without Voices by J. D. CARTHY , Ph.D.
Queen Mary College, London
The development of an organised society depends on communication, whether it be among men or animals. The dance language of bees is well known; Dr. Carthy describes research on communication between other insects such as ants.
Today's overseas commodity and financial news. London Stock Market closing report