Consultation Game
Harry Golombek. C. H. O'D.
Alexander BLACK
Jonathan Penrose , Peter Clarke
The moves till now: 0
(1) P-K4, P-QB4; (2) Kt-KB3, P-K3; (3) P-Q4, PxP; (4) KtxP, P-QR3; (S) B-Q3, Kt-KB3; (6) Castles, P-Q3; (7) Kt-QB3, B-K2; (8) P-QKt3, Kt-B3; (9) Kt(Q4)-K2. Castles; (10) B-Kt2, P-QKt4; (11) Kt-Kt3, B-Kt2
Master v. Listeners
Commentaries on the game by C. H. O'D. Alexander. Leonard Barden
The full score of this game:
(1) P-K4, P-Q3; (2) P-Q4, Kt-KB3; (3) Kt-QB3, P-KKt3; (4) B-K2, B-Kt2; (5) P-KR4, P-B4; (6) PxP, Q-R4; (7) B-Q2, QxP: (8) P-RS, Castles; (9) Kt-R3, Kt-B3; (10) Kt-B4, Kt-Q5; (11) B-Q3, R-Kl; (12) QKt-QS, B-Kt5; (13) KtxKtch., PxKt; (14) P-KB3, P-B4; (15) P-B3, PxKP; (16) PxKt,; (17) K-Bl, PxPch.; (18) KxP, Q-KKt4; (19) Q-KKti,; (20) K-BI, QxQch.; (21) RxQ. B-B6; (22) R-Kt3, B-K5; (23) B-B3, BxBch.; (24) KtxB, P-KB4; (25) R-Kl, K-B2; (26) R(Kt3)-K3, P-KKt4; (27) K-B2, P-KR4; (28) P-Q5, RxR; (29) RxR, R-KKtl; (30) Kt-Kl, P-B5; (31) R-K4, BxB; (32) PxB, P-R5; (33) K-Kt2. R-QBI; (34) P-B4, K-Kt3; (35) Kt-B3, K-B4; (36) R-Q4, P-KI3; (37) KtxPch., PxKt; (38) K-B3. P-QKt4; (39) resigns
Edited by Robert Spencer and Maxwell Knight
James Fisher talks about the remarkable spread of the fulmar since 1939: this year an intensive survey is being made of their distribution
Bob Spencer discusses listeners' correspondence with James Fisher and Maxwell Knight
Maurice Johnson , who recently began observations on bats in a built-up area of Yorkshire, gives some first impressions of bat behaviour
Arnold Darlington describes an ecological survey of Dernford Fen in Cambridgeshire carried out by the boys of Bishop's Stortford College Natural History Society
Produced by Winwood Reade
See facing page