What's New ?
Hector Stewart reviews some recent jazz records
Among this week's items are:
News Comment: by Mark Gibbs
Christ, the Church, and Industrial Society: The Rev. A. S. Hopkinson , General Director of the Industrial Christian Fellowship, offers some reflections on problems and opportunities facing the Church in the field of industry. Three other churchmen concerned with industry then comment on what he says and describe what is happening already in their own areas
To School on Sunday: training for the Whit Sunday sessions. Marjorie Jenkins , M.B.E., who as Training Secretary for the London S.W. District of the Methodist Church knows a good deal about the problems Sunday School teaching can involve, answers questions from a Sunday School teacher on ' putting across the meaning of Pentecost '
A series of seven programmes in which naturalists describe what is happening in animal and plant communities on sites they have studied.
3-Mountainside by Duncan Poore
Dr. Poore climbs Ben Lawers in Scotland with Joseph Trenaman , describing the zones of vegetation as he goes up, from the mat grass of the lower slopes to the Arctic-alpine plants and flowers near the 4,ooo-ft. summit cairn.
Next Wednesday: Woodland
A thirty-two page pamphlet (illustrated in colour) is obtainable, price 2s., through newsagents and booksellers, or by crossed postal order for 2s. (not stamps, please) rom [address removed]
See facing page
Today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report