Four British Composers
An illustrated talk on his life and music by Alec Robertson
Introduced by Robin Holmes
WRITER TALKING: Anthony Bur gess, whose new novel Beds in the East completes a trilogy set in Malaya, talks to Patricia Brent
LIBRARY LIST: Eric Gillett on some recent books
SPECIAL NOTICE: Charles Osborne reviews Providence Island by Jacquetta Hawkes
QUOTATION: a reading from a new book
Introduced by John Lade.
G.J. Cuming in "Building a Library" compares the available recordings of Mozart's "Jupiter" Symphony.
Charles Cudworth reviews some recent records of pre-classical music.
Bidding Match
G. F. Mathieson and Doris, Lady Rhodes v.
B. Schapiro and L. Tarlo
This is one of the hands to be bid:
Dealer, West: love-all
Introduced by Terence Reese and Harold Franklin
The partners, who are in different studios, speak their thoughts aloud. The programme is recorded and the players had no advance knowledge of the cards
See facing page