A weekly series designed for enthusiasts of all ages who wish to extend their understanding and enjoyment of music.
Four British Composers
The Violin Concerto
Illustrated talk by Alec Robertson
Introduced by Robin Holmes
THE BOOK TRADE IN RUSSIA: by Desmond Donnelly , M.P., who has travelled a great deal behind the iron curtain
SPECIAL NOTICE: Daniel George reviews two books of stories-tall and supernatural
I REMEMBER: G. W. L. Meredith on his distinguished grandfather George Meredith who died fifty years ago
LIBRARY LIST: Marghanita Laski on some new detective fiction
Introduced by John Lade.
John Boorman in "Building a Library" suggests some records of music by Janacek.
Harold Rutland reviews some recent piano records.
Bidding Match
R. and J. SHARPLES v.
S. Booker and Mrs. Fritzi GORDON
This is one of the hands to be bid:
Dealer, West: love-all
Introduced by Terence Reese and Harold Franklin
The partners, who are in different studios, speak their thoughts aloud. The programme is recorded and the players had no advance knowledge of the cards
See facing page