Small-boat Sailing in Scotland: Jock Kerr Hunter , of the Scottish Council for Physical Recreation, introduces some of the sailing masters
Geoffrey Wareham, Daily Express yachting reporter, gives a yachting news commentary
Amateur Boat-Building : ' Jimmy ' Green of the Erith Yacht Club, Steve Allen , and Vie Symonds discuss 14-foot dinghies
Introduced by Commander George Villiers , R.N.
Edited and produced by Francis Dillon
by a veterinary surgeon
Dramatised extracts from the book by Jerome K. Jerome: a programme for listeners interested in brushing up their German
Episode 7
Jerome pretends to take a dip, but, much to his disgust, falls into the river.
Wie spat ist es?, what is the time?; unbequem, uncomfortable; ich habe Lust, I feel inclined; das Ruder, oar; sechs Uhr durch, past six o'clock; zu Hause, at home; das Verdeck, the awning; mag wohl sein, may well be; uberzeugen, to convince; kleitern, to climb; heute Morgen, this morning; bespritzen, to sprinkle; das Badetuch, bath towel; oberhungen, to overhang; der Ast, branch; scharf, sharp, cutting; versdumen, to miss; mitmachen, to take part; der Mut, courage; der Feigling, coward; anziehen, to dress; so eine Kalte, such cold; ich hatte ihm das nicht zugetraut, I should not have thought him capable of it.
(Originally broadcast by the British Forces Network)