Creole Echoes
Ernest Borneman , in the first of two record programmes, offers a new interpretation of jazz
Among this week's items are:
The Report of the 1958 Lambeth Conference: The Rev. John Beall , Vicar of St. Matthew Moorfields, Bristol, and a Free Church minister, the Rev. John Huxtable , Principal of New College, London, compare impressions of the Lambeth Report and discuss its immediate bearing on the situation of the Church in the world at the present time
Oxford and Heidelberg: The Rev. J. G. Grimwade , of Smethwick in Staffordshire, introduces a party of British and German university students who are living and working together in his parish during this month
What Hymn Shall We Choose? -6: Dr. George Thalben-Ball and the BBC Singers
News Comment: by Canon R. H. Preston
(The flist three items are recorded)