The first International
Sea-Angling Festival held September 1-6, 1958 at Naestved. South Zeeland, Denmark
A recorded picture of the festival; interviews with the contestants: a technical report on sea angling in Danish waters
Introduced bv Colin Willock
Angling correspondent. Daily Herald
Produced by Francis Dillon
Next Thursday: Small-Boat Sailing
Man took the dog as a partner because of his working powers, but later he became a family pet. STANLEY DANGER-FIELD, chief steward of Cruft's Show, discusses some smaller dogs favoured as indoor pets, and others-the hounds-above all companions in the fields.
Dramatised extracts from the book by Jerome K.Jerome : a programme for listeners interested in brushing up their German
Episode 6
George has to tow. After a meal they reflect on the importance of the stomach.
VOCABULARY wie war es?, what was it like?; die Leine, rope, tow-line; schleppen, to tow; Ubung macht den Meister, practice makes perfect; der Faulenzer, lazy-bones; ausruhen, to rest; irgendwo, somewhere; feststellen, to find out, establish; die Laune, temper; fast, almost; ausgeschlafen, finished sleeping, wide awake; die Wurzel, root; um Himmelswillen, for heaven's sake; merken, to notice; tun als ob, to pretend; gleichgiiltig, indifferent; tnerkwiirdig, strange, queer; das stimmt, that's true; das reine Gewissen, clear conscience; der Magen, stomach; es gefallt, it pleases; bestimmen, to determine; schaffen, to create; sich iiber etwas lustig machen, to make fun of; das Huhnerauge, corn (on one's toe); satt, replete; der Sklave, slave; der Staatsbiirger, citizen; der Gatte, husband
(: originally broadcast by the British Forces Network)