A recorded visit to
Henfield Cricket Club, Sussex where village cricket has been played since 1721
The history of the game in Henfleld: a commentary on the cricket match between Henfleld and Kenya Kongonis on August 13; and interviews with members of the Henfleld Cricket Club
Introduced by Ernest Eytle
Edited and produced by Francis Dillon
HYLTON BLYTHE , honorary secretary of the British Bird Breeders' Association, and KENNETH A. NORRIS , member of the council of the National Council of Aviculture, discuss recent improvements in the breeding of British birds, the recording of fresh aviary-bred species, and experiments to increase size and produce new colours.
They also give advice on care and aviary methods for people who have taken up bird-breeding as a hobby.
Dramatised extracts from the book by Jerome K. Jerome : a programme for listeners interested in brushing up their German
Episode 5
Harris has a morbid interest in cemeteries. Jerome distracts his attention from the one they are passing. They meet George.
VOCABULARY lustig, jolly, funny; nicht so schlimm, not so bad; der Friedhof, cemetery; das Grab, grave; das Grabmal, gravestone; das Gedicht, poem; ablenken, to divert attention; sich auf etwas freuen, to look forward to; umdrehen, to turn; vorwerfen, to reproach; ich kann nichts dafiir, I can't help it; links, rechts, left, right; es war nicht bose gemeint, it was not meant to be unkind; ich habe es geschafft, I have managed it; besorgt sein, to worry; die Schleuse, canal-lock; die Jacke, blazer, jacket; bunt, brightly coloured; winken, to wave; aufgeregt, excited; der Schleusenwarter, lock-keeper; das Sett, rope; der Rettungsring, lifebelt; Krach machen, to make a row; enttauschen, to disappoint; das Lehrbuch, textbook; ausstehen, to bear, put up with