From page 5 of ' New Every Morning
Hal Kemp and his Orchestra:
But Definitely (Poor Little Rich Girl) (Gordon and Revel)
Bing Crosby : I'm an old cowhand;
Empty Saddles (Rhythm on the Range) (Mercer, Hill)
Gracie Fields : Why did I have to meet you ? (Grey, Davies) ; Queen ot
Hearts (Haines, Harper) (both from Queen of Hearts)
Louis Levy and his Gaumont British
Symphony Orchestra: Selection, This will make you Whistle, introducing:
You've got the wrong rumba ; There isn't any limit to my love ; Without rhythm ; This'll make you whistle
Lilian Harvey : Waltz Song, Today
I am Happy (Schroder, Keller) ,
Fats Waller and his rhythm : Let's sing again (Let's sing again) (Kahn, McHugh)
History in the Making
The opening of the Michaelmas Law
Professor of Industrial Relations in the University of Cambridge
Conductor, SHERIDAN GORDON from the Theatre Royal, Birmingham
Conductor, A. W. PARKER
(From Birmingham)
(From Birmingham)
Nature Study
Nature's Story-book : How to read this Book
If you go for a walk in the country, you can see what is happening all round you -the leaves changing colour and falling, the trees growing bare. But you have only to look a little closer to become a Sherlock Holmes of the countryside. Tracks in the mud will tell you what has happened-a rabbit or a bird has passed this way ; and presently you may come on scattered fur or feather, and feel a little sad at what it suggests. Or you can look in the hedgerow-clusters of roots, showing nothing but leaves, will tell you where to go primrosing next spring.
This afternoon Watkin W. Williams , who broadcast for the first time in the Children's Hour recently, is going to introduce listeners to the first chapter of what he calls Nature's Story-book. For he sees Nature as a book which all of us may open. The country meadow, the town park, the window box in a tenement, the cat with her kittens in the cellar-each has its own story to tell.
English Literature -2
Poetry Programme. ' Autumn'
Ternary Form ; Viola
Directed by PHILLIP MARTELL from the Commodore Theatre,
Heifetz (violin) and The London
Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham , Bart. : Concerto in D minor (Sibelius)—I. Allegro moderato. 2. Adagio di molto. 3. Allegro ma non tanto
LEONARD ISAACS (pianoforte)
including Weather Forecast
This is the first appearance of the Orpheus Trio. Shortly after being demobilised in 1919 three young musicians, Sverdloff (violinist), John Moore ('cellist), and Louis Revel (pianist), earned their living by playing in a suburban cinema. Since then Sverdloff has become an eminent hotel orchestral leader; John Moore went from the cinema to Blackpool, where he appeared three times daily as a Rumanian musician. From Blackpool he came to London and joined the old Queen's Hall Orchestra, and when Sir Thomas Beecham formed the London Philharmonic Orchestra a few years ago he shared first the desk of the 'cellos with Anthony Pini. In addition to these activities, he has been 'cellist of the Stratton String Quartet since its formation. The third member of the Trio, Louis Revel, is well known to listeners as a pianist and composer.
at the Organ of the Regal Cinema, Bexley Heath Favourites Old and New
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
Dealing with an anti-social insect by J. W. Munro , D.Sc. (Professor of Entomology in the University of London)
Rosalind Rowsell , Margaret Godley , Gladys Winmill , Doris Owens , Bradbridge White, Martin Boddey ,
Stanley Riley , Samuel Dyson
Conducted by Sir RICHARD TERRY
Canzonets to four voices
Donna gentil' voi set Deh luce del mio cor Lagrime doice e care Ardor felic'e caro Ardenti miei
In questo muto Rosa d'amor
Cantica sacra to six voices
0 vos omnes
Ardens est cor meum Congratulamini mihi Hei mihi Domine
Factum est silentium
Conducted by LESLIE HEWARD