Special Readings and prayers Hymns
The King of Love my Shepherd is (A. and M. 197)
Bread of Heaven, on Thee we feed (A. and M. 318)
At the Organ of The Paramount
Theatre, Leeds
Ania Dorfmann (pianoforte) : Hungarian Rhapsody No. 10 (Liszt) ; Three Ecossaises, Op. 72 (Chopin) ; Rondo brillante (La Gaieté) (Weber)
Franz Josef Hirt (pianoforte) : La Puerta del Vino (Debussy)
' La Puerta del vino', ' the Vine Gate ', is one of the sights of Granada. Naturally it appears on hundreds of picture post-cards, and the receipt of one such card from a friend travelling in Spain inspired Debussy with the idea of this picturesque piano piece in habanera rhythm. Its ' sharp contrasts of extreme violence and passionate swcetness' (to quote the composer's own words) are vividly evocative of Southern Spain, its harsh, glaring sunlight, its atmosphere of Oriental languor and passion, and its memories of the old
Moorish days. Debussy loved Spain and loved to paint it in his music, and he never did it more brilliantly than in this sharply-etched miniature.
Relayed from
Directed by SAM BROUGH
Relayed from
The Palace Theatre, Blackpool
Relayed from Westminster Abbey
Order of Service
Psalms 93, 94
Lesson, Isaiah Iii , 13-53
Magnificat (Tallis, Dorian) Lesson, St. John xiii, 1-17
Nunc Dimittis (Tallis, Dorian)
Anthem, 0 Saviour of the world
Hvmn, 0 Sacred Head, sore wounded
(E.H. 102)
The London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Hamilton Harly : Overture, The Corsair (Berlioz)
The Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Stokowslki:
Danse sacrde (Sacred Dance) ; Danse profane (Secular Dance) (Debussy)
Jacques Thibaud (violin), Pau Casals
(violoncello), and The Pau Casals Orchestra, Barcelona, conducted by Alfred Cortot : Double Concerto in A minor, Op. 102 (Brahms)-1. Allegro; 2. Andante ; 3. Vivace non troppo
Relayed from
The Church of The Messiah,
Birmingham ..
Parry wrote three sets of organ p;eces on hymn-tunes : Seven Choral Preludes (1912), Three Choral Fantasias, of which ' When I survey ' is the second (1915), and a second set of Seven Preludes, all on English tunes (1916). In these last years Parry's powers were at their height, and he wrote few things finer than these meditations on melodies familiar to all of us. pieces in which (it is hardly too much to say) he did for the English hymn-tune what Bach did for the German choral. His lead was soon followed by other British composers, and the ' hymn-tune prelude ' is now a well-established form in our organ literature.
Directed by HENRY HALL
including Weather Forecast and Bulletin for Farmers
Bach Celebration under the direction of C. SANFORD TERRY , Litt.D., Mus.D., LL.D. (Hon. Fellow of Clare College,
ERNEST LUSH (harpsichord)
Sonata No. 3, in A minor
1. Largo e dolce ; 2. Allegro vivace
Sonata No. 2, in E flat
1. Allegro moderato: 2. Siciliano; 3. Allegro
How the Map is Made
Brigadier H. St. J. L. WINTERBOTHAM , C.M.G., D.S.O. (Director General of Ordnance Survey 1930-35)
Tonight Brigadier Winterbotham is to give the last of his three talks in this series, and he will describe to listeners how maps are made.
He will show how in the making of p!ans there has been little change for two or three thousand years. Egyptian pictures show chainmen complete with chains, roadmen, and tape boys exactly as they are today.
He will explain why all observations since surveying began are worked in triangles. He will tell how in 1615 a Dutchman called Snellius transformed the who!e process of surveying by using an instrument so designed as to measure angles.
He will deal with the first large survey of Britain-Roy's map of the Highlands, made after the '45 rebellion. On a compass skeleton was built up Roy's map, partly by chain and partly by compass traverse. Roy's methods still dictate the present procedure.
Inquest on Columbine ' was broadcast in the Regional programme last night
This little programme on the tve of the first great outdoor holiday of the year may remind the thoughtless of the damage they may unwittingly do. Kenneth Adam hopes to bring a park keeper, a landowner, a warden of the countryside to point his little homily, and'a careful picknicker to speak a few words of advice.
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
Conducted by The Rev. W. H. ELLIOTT
Relayed from
St. Michael's, Chester Square
Directed by HENRY HALL