From 'When Two or Three,' page 00
Directed by HENRY HALL
Directed by John Bridge Evening in Town (From Manchester)
Lieut.-Col. L. V. STEWART BLACKER : 'India-J,
Over Mount Everest'
Lt.-Col. Blacker was a pilot of one of the aeroplanes of the Houston Mount Everest Expedition. He will describe the approach to Mount Everest by air, the flight over ploughed fields, jungle belt, then over low wooded hills, reaching at last the huge ice cliffs of the world's highest mountain. Special arrangements have been made to relay this and the other talks in this series, to the cinema of the Imperial Institute, South Kensington, for school audiences and the general public, where an exhibition of the Everest photographs taken by the Expedition is now onviow.
Readings from Shakespeare-1,
This term's course in English Literature falls into three sections. An informal series on 'Some
Books I like,' by Howard Mar shall, that includes such joyous reading as ' King Solomon's Mines ' and ' Tom Sawyer ,' takes turns with three talks by the Head Master of Rugby on ' Delight in Poetry,' and with three readings from Shakespeare of which the first is heard today. Thesenew arrangements have been made at the request of a large number of schools. Their aim is to stimulate the interest of children in books, poetry and the drama, with readings by speakers able to communicate their own personal enjoyment of what they read. It is suggested that teachers should ensure that copies of the books, the text of poems, and the story of plays from which extracts are read, should be made available to listening pupils.
The Development of The Orchestra
I. Bach (1685-1750)
Handel (1685-1759)
(Continued overleaf.)
(Leader, A. Rossi )
Directed by Emilio Colombo
Relayed from The Hotel Metropole
by Commander
Elizabethan Madrigals
Miscellaneous Madrigals
Series I-' Manners and Customs in Music ' : Sir WALFORD DAVIES
Dr. FRED STOKER : Lilies for Every
Sir William Bragg is Director of the Royal Institution and of the Davy-Faraday Research Laboratory. He first broadcast in 1926. and in March, 1931, he gave a National Lecture on Michael Faraday , at the time" of the Faraday Centenary Celebrations. He demonstrates afresh his belief in broadcasting as an important Agent for the spread of scientific knowledge by introducing tonight this new series in the ' Taking Stock' group of autumn talks. The series is in the hands of Mr. Julian Huxley. Its objet is to give an account of scientific research as it is affecting the social needs of the community. The talks will concentrate on the efforts of the scientists to provide better and more abundant food, improved buildings and roads, better industrial methods, and to arouse new attitudes to such social questions as education and the treatment of the criminal. The series opens next week with a conversation in which Professor H. Levy will discuss with Mr. Huxley the objects of the survey.
Relayed from The Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co., Ltd.)
(Tickets can be obtained from [address removed], and usual Agents. Prices (including Entertainments Tax), 7s. 6d., 6s., 5s. (Reserved), 3s. (Unreserred). Promenade (Payment at doors only), 2s.).
HARRY Roy and his BAND, relayed from The
May Fair Hotel
(Shipping Forecast at 11.0)