(to 11.00)
Relayed from The National Museum of Wales
National Orchestra of Wales
(Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Cymru)
(Leader, Louis Levitus)
Conducted by Warwick Braithwaite
(to 12.45)
Stanley C. Mills and the New Theatre Embassy Orchestra
(From Bristol)
The Threshold
A Play in One Act by Harold Chapin
Charles Raynor, a commercial traveller
Jenny, a miner's daughter
Two Welsh Miners
Scene - An upstairs room in a miner's dwelling in the Rhondda Valley, on an early morning in March
Sir Herbert Is Deeply Touched
A Sketch in One Scene by H.C.G. Stevens
Sir Herbert, a most distinguished actor
Parker, his dresser
A Young Man
Scene - A private sitting-room in a West End theatre of Sir Herbert - after a matinee performance
(to 0.00)